Foundation for Australia Japan Studies Networking Event at RMIT
About this Event
Proudly supported by the Foundation for Australia-Japan Studies, this networking event will give you the opportunity to chat with researchers from RMIT University, Australia and National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST), Japan along with stakeholders in the mining and geological surveying industries from Australia and Japan. The focus of this event will be to discuss challenges with current magnetometry sensing technology in the mining sector. Also, opportunities for the use of quantum diamond-based devices to revolutionize geophysical magnetic field sensing at depth will be showcased.
This event will be available in-person at RMIT University; however, seats are limited due to COVID restrictions. You can also join in online via the Zoom link. For further information about the event, please contact Amanda Abraham on
In-person attendees
A small number of attendees will be able to join us in-person
The venue will be:
RMIT University
Building 16 Level 7 Conference Rooms 1 & 2
336 - 348 Swanston Street Melbourne
Please register a ticket for every person attending
We will be observing COVID-safe protocols
Register using the ''In-Person'' ticket on Eventbrite
Registrations will close on 6th April 2021.
Online attendees
Link to join online will be emailed prior to the event
Register using the ''Online'' ticket on Eventbrite
Registrations will close on 9th April 2021